If It Matters To You, It Matters To Us.
As we edge towards a post-pandemic Manitoba, you may be feeling overwhelmed by all the challenges you’re facing: staffing shortages, ensuring safety in the workplace, implementing new tools and technology to grow your business, and more. You don’t have to establish a recovery plan alone.
We are committed to supporting Manitoba Business as they navigate the path forward and explore opportunities.
From building liquidity and improving cash flow, to protecting your people and pivoting to a digitally connected world, Manitoba Business Matters and our coalition of industry experts are ready to help businesses succeed every step of the way. MCC and our partners are compiling information and resources to help you thrive. Read below for our latest posts…
Planning for the Future of Work
2020 was a year unlike any other that came before it and there’s no doubt that every business, regardless of size or industry, has been affected by the ongoing pandemic. And while HR has been leading the charge in keeping employees safe and healthy, many other issues...
Closing Soon! Regional Relief and Recovery Fund
The Regional Relief and Recovery Fund; (RRRF) offered by Western Economic Diversification Canada closes on June 30, 2021. Eligible to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) that have been impacted by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this fund can provide business...
Privacy and COVID-19 Vaccine Passports
VIA Joint Statement by Federal, Provincial and Territorial Privacy Commissioners (May 19, 2021) Background: Vaccine passportsFootnote 1 are being considered by some governments and businesses as a means of allowing a return to something more closely resembling normal...
Manitoba’s 4-3-2-One Great Summer Reopening Path
The Province of Manitoba has introduced a long-awaited reopening plan that ties the easing of restrictions to specific benchmarks of vaccinated Manitobans with rewards of greater freedoms and fewer restrictions on our lives and economy to enjoy the summer. The...
Dine-in Restaurant Relief Fund Expanded to Include Fast Casual
The Manitoba Chambers of Commerce, in partnership with the Manitoba Restaurant and Foodservices Association, on Friday, announced the expansion of the Dine-in Restaurant Relief Program to include a new subset of eligible restaurants: fast casual. Fast casual...
Province of Manitoba COVID-19 Workplace Reporting Form
Positive cases of COVID-19 in Manitoba include employees within a range of workplaces. These cases need to be managed by Manitoba Health and Seniors Care. There will be cases where transmission may have occurred either in the workplace or in the community, adding to...
Federal Budget Changes to the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy
The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) often referred to as CEWS, is a program offered by the Government of Canada to business owners as part of the Economic Response Place to COVID-19, which provides a subsidy to eligible employers who have experienced a decline in...
Federal Budget Changes to the Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy
The Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy, often referred to as CERS, is a program offered by the Government of Canada to business owners as part of the Economic Response Place to COVID-19, which provides a base subsidy based on the revenue decline of a qualifying renter, as...
What is the Canada Recovery Hiring Program?
How the New Canada Recovery Hiring Program May Help Your Business: Introduced in the 2021 Federal Budget, the new Canada Recovery Hiring Program (CRHP) is designed to provide businesses with a subsidy of up to 50 per cent of the incremental increase in eligible...
City of Winnipeg – COVID-19 Economic Support Grant Program
The City of Winnipeg has opened a second intake of the COVID-19 Economic Support Grant Program in order to assist Winnipeg small businesses and not-for-profit organizations that have been forced to restrict access to their premises due to COVID-19 public health...