The Manitoba Chambers of Commerce (MCC) is the province’s largest, non-partisan business lobby and membership association in Manitoba. Since 1931, we’ve been accelerating business success by advocating for and influencing public policy, working alongside government on major issues affecting business. Today, our network is made up of 65 local chambers of commerce throughout the province, representing almost 10,000 businesses of all sizes and across all sectors. Learn more at jointhechamber.ca
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The Business Case for Workplace Happiness
Scientific studies show that productivity, creativity and profits directly correlate to the level of well-being experienced by employees in an organization. A Health Canada study showed that a stressful work culture creates three times the risk of heart attacks, two...

COVID-19 Employee Privacy Issues
Authors: Megan Smith and Kristin Kersey, Lawyers, TDS Law Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, employers in Manitoba have been confronted with questions as to the amount of information they can share when an employee informs their employer that they have...

Charting the Course Through the Pandemic
The pandemic may not yet be behind us, but everyone from small businesses to international organizations have had to quickly adjust to the disruption and the way business is now done. Amid the chaos and uncertainty, our priority is of course the health and well-being...

Red River College Launches Micro-Credentials as Training Solutions
We’re Thinking Small These Days Red River College adds Micro-Credentials to menu of training solutions for Manitoba businesses. Over the last year, the College’s Corporate Solutions team has added new online micro-credentials courses to its pandemic toolbox for...

5 Signs You’re Due For A Rebrand
This pandemic has sparked a definite need for dramatic transformation. You may have found yourself wanting to shave your head, quit your job, or remodel your house. Turns out, major companies have also been bit by this rebrand bug. Burger King rebranded, embracing a...

Build a Culture of Innovation
THE DO’S AND DON’TS OF BRAINSTORMING Are you reaping the full benefits of brainstorming? With the right approach, you can build a culture of innovation around this collaborative practice. During an age when we can feel so disconnected, collaboration can help you...

Rising to the Challenge
Now more than ever, employers of all sizes are relying on the knowledge and expertise of CPHRs. CPHR Manitoba is the exclusive certifying body in Manitoba for the nationally recognized Chartered Professional in Human Resources (CPHR) designation — the leading standard...

Received a positive COVID-19 test result?
On January 5, 2022, Manitoba's Public Health team issued additional direction related to rapid testing, as well as reminders about protocols for self-isolation depending on vaccination status. Individuals who test positive with a Rapid Antigen Test should assume they...