The Manitoba Chambers of Commerce (MCC) is the province’s largest, non-partisan business lobby and membership association in Manitoba. Since 1931, we’ve been accelerating business success by advocating for and influencing public policy, working alongside government on major issues affecting business. Today, our network is made up of 65 local chambers of commerce throughout the province, representing almost 10,000 businesses of all sizes and across all sectors. Learn more at jointhechamber.ca
Latest News

Program to Reimburse Businesses for Training up to $2,500 Per Employee
The Manitoba government is partnering with Economic Development Winnipeg and the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce to launch Retrain Manitoba, a $12.5 million workforce skills development grant program that will help Manitoba to move to the next stage of economic recovery...

What Will Encourage People to Stay?
The COVID-19 pandemic has not only changed the way people work, but it has also changed priorities when it comes to what people want from their work. At a recent Executive Breakfast Series event, Pat Hirst, Practice Lead Learning & Development at People First HR,...

Nov. 8 Essential COVID-19 Updates for Manitoba Business Leaders
Here are today's COVID-19 news updates: U.S.-Canada land border opening: Today marks the opening of the US-Canada land border to non-essential/recreational vehicle traffic for the first time since March 2020. When the clock struck midnight on Monday, the border...

Nov. 1 Essential COVID-19 Updates for Manitoba Business Leaders
Here are some COVID-19 updates Manitoba business leaders should know about for Monday, November 1, 2021: Manitoba is back in Orange (restricted) again after a short stay in yellow, but the state of emergency ended on October 21, 2021. To view the current order (Oct....

Vaccination Verification
If you're a business owner/operator or employee working in a restaurant, entertainment venue, cultural attraction, etc, you likely have been hard at work verifying proof of vaccination already. Here are the protocols as determined by Manitoba's Public Health...

Government of Canada proposing targeted COVID-19 support
The Honourable Chrystia Freeland announced that the government is proposing targeted action to create jobs and spur economic growth. This includes moving from the very broad-based support that was appropriate at the height of lockdowns to more targeted measures that...

Federal COVID-19 Immunization Card Now Available
The new federal immunization card - called the Pan-Canadian Proof of Vaccination Card (PVC) - is now available for fully vaccinated Manitobans for domestic or international travel. Individuals who currently have a digital Manitoba immunization card or are applying for...

PCR Test No Longer Required to Enter Canada as of Feb. 28/2022
Vaccinated travellers will no longer need a molecular COVID-19 test to enter Canada starting Feb. 28, and can instead opt for a potentially cheaper and easier to access rapid test. Click here to view the official Government of Canada news release. Travellers will now...